Post 15 – Are We There Yet?

Michaele AlexanderA Grand Discovery

The thought today’s exercise kindled in my mind was that I would never be “done”. That the ever shifting sands of accomplishment will never stand alone, stay intact in rough weather, or be truly countable… And that there need not be a “Done” as satisfaction comes from all the times I am aware. For each moment of doing holds it’s own opportunity of “Tah Dahhh!” and for me it is about showing up with keen interest, without preconceived notions, and Doing.

So when I look back from the eyes of the future, I notice that the achievement of a goal is a soul filling vista off another mountain top and a cool drink from another stream on a valley floor. Another great gathering with family and friends. Another vision to explore and give birth to. And all this makes me want to keep traveling forward through time.

I want to experience the wonders that come my way and the only luggage I need and ever have needed is what I ask those around me to pack… A good attitude and the choice to Be Kind to Yourself and Others.

By the by, I have let my website step off the edge of the nest and give it’s wings a go.

So now it’s live and so (still) am I…
Wishing you wind under your wings as well.

Hugs, ~ Michaele