Post 72 – Upgrade

Michaele AlexanderA Grand Discovery

Good morning all!

Christina again thank you for the idea of “Upgrading my Life”, I have taken it on as a theme for the time and find it a terrific fit (as there is always room for improvement)!

On that note, my Helping Giant Husband also is being very gracious by filling in with many things as I hunt about for a new horse for my daughter. Her pony officially retired last Sunday from his job due to age and took on his new roll with us as snuggly mascot. Lots of extra work, but great learning experiences for her.

As for my goal(s) they are forming up nicely and I have a meeting in less than two hours to solidify upgrading the business approach I will embark upon in the days to come. I am rather excited about it all.

Sending good thoughts to each and every one of you!
Hugs, ~ Michaele