Post 64 – What have I…

Michaele AlexanderA Grand Discovery

Miracles and muddles.

I have accomplished getting up too early. I have accomplished getting up too late. I have accomplished getting up at all.

I am braver than I was before. This is not to say that I haven’t done many things considered “brave” in my life, but from the core of me I am now a braver person.

I remember again that I can write. Endlessly. And that I enjoy it immensely.

I now more than ever before accept that it’s all okay. It’s okay for people to need me and have anticipations and expectations. It’s okay to delight them and to serve them and feel good about it in the open, not just secretly. It’s okay to not be fazed by it and focus on the task at hand. It’s okay to feel satisfied in and of myself for what I am doing each day. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to ask for help and actually accept it.

Most of all it’s okay if nothing happens because something will eventually and it will be all the more lovely a surprise because I did not expect it.

– Two websites that are linked together:
(the latter is my Gallery) both are a work in progress
– A home that is considerably more organized
– Lots of lists
– A schedule that is shaping up nicely
– A considerable start to the next book
– A choice to move into a different publishing modality
– No games in mass production
– Taxes that are done (but still stuffing receipts)
– Family closets that are a good deal sorted
– Technology way updated (though proficiency needs a bit of time)
– A recognition that things will never be “completely finished”, and that’s okay because it gives me stuff to do while I’m here

Hugs, ~ Michaele